IFS Grantees

As you might imagine, over the decades and across many parts of the world, through small beginnings with IFS grants,  a sizable alumni has developed. An alumni in this case is a body of former IFS grantees. Some of the earliest grantees are now retired from science, others hold prominent positions in many fields, including in science, governance and business.

Using the map and the search box you can locate grantees from a region or country, from a particular scientific area. Some of the most outstanding grantees have been awarded the prestigious Sven Brohult Award.

In a number of countries IFS Alumni Associations have begun to emerge.

If you are looking for a potential guest speaker at your event or a new committee member, please have a look at the IFS Women in Science - Public Contact List. This list promotes the visibility of excellent women early-career researchers in the Global South and includes IFS grantees that are open to new opportunities. If you are a woman in science and an IFS grantee, you can also add your details this list.

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